Wednesday, June 17, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 99

US Tests: 24,937,877
US Cases: 2,150,932
US Deaths: 111,477
Worldwide Cases: 8,329,221
Worldwide Deaths: 448,474

The U.S. response to the coronavirus is embarrassing.  As we've seen for the past 3 years, Trump is an ignorant, corrupt, egocentric stain on the office of the presidency.  But it's not just Trump.  The country generally has more or less decided the hell with it, they're willing to risk their lives to go to the bar, or go to the gym, or go cheer on their favorite white supremacist.

And the numbers show it (subscription required).  The U.S. is distinctly failing in the way the rest of the western world is not:
This represents a profound failure. The clearest explanation is the lack of any clear national mitigation strategy and a failure to follow even the limited strategy the federal government outlined for ending the lockdown. Since early May the federal government’s clearest strategy has been to turn the page and move on, both in messaging and action. Most of the country felt the epidemic only in a very limited way in March, April and May. It is simply human nature that people in those states would assume some level of invulnerability and be less mitigation-compliant. The federal government has encouraged and enabled this tendency. Indeed the President has single-handedly made resistance to masking – which a growing body of evidence suggests are quite effective at scale – a badge of right-wing political identity.

Image from Our World in Data.

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