Sunday, June 28, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 110

US Tests: 30,988,013
US Cases: 2,540983
US Deaths: 119,429
Worldwide Cases: 10,114,726
Worldwide Deaths: 500,882

It seems that Mike Pence --- the coronavirus czar --- is finally starting to show some leadership:
The VP went on to note that “roughly half the state is under local ordinances strongly recommending” mask wearing, before saying that complying with the ordinances is “just a good idea.”

“If your local officials — in consultation with the state — are directing you to wear a mask, we encourage everyone to wear a mask in affected areas,” Pence said. “Where you can’t maintain social distancing, wearing a mask is just a good idea. It will, we know from experience, will slow the spread.”

Pence’s latest remarks strongly recommending mask wearing demonstrates a notable shift within the Trump administration to encourage the practice in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Or maybe not.  In the very next paragraph:
Earlier Sunday, Pence defended Trump’s refusal to encourage Americans to wear masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus by saying during an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the White House wants “to defer to governors” and local officials. The VP previously shared the same stance during the first briefing in nearly two months from the White House Coronavirus Task Force on Friday.
Also Pence, who is very public about his religious faith, went to a church service Sunday morning.  Like most church services, this one was indoors, and many people didn't wear masks --- including notably, the choir:
In footage of the event, which CNN reported was held at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Pence could be seen wearing a mask, clapping along with other members of the audience to the choir’s performance. According to the news network, the choir performed multiple times during the event without the masks, which they would reportedly put on when they took their seats.
Honestly, I'm not sure which is worse --- Trump's adamant refusal to wear a mask, or Pence's steady stream of mixed messages.  I think we can all agree, however, that neither of them is showing any real leadership. 

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