Wednesday, June 24, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 106

US Tests: 28,567,355
US Cases: 2,369,039
US Deaths: 115,531
Worldwide Cases: 9,407,078
Worldwide Deaths: 482,162

Here's a damning indictment of Trump and Republican leadership specifically, and of America more generally:

Data available here.

Not only has all most of Europe, and Australia, seen their number of new cases per day drop sharply, the U.S. is the only one of these countries where the number of new cases daily is clearly and dramatically rising.

Whenever this ends --- and it won't be over any time soon --- it will go down in history as the most baffling and irresponsible instances of government malfeasance in American history.

It doesn't help that a small but determined group of assholes continue their zealous campaign to oppose the single most effective countermeasure the general public could engage in.


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