Saturday, June 6, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 88

US Tests: 19,778,873
US Cases: 1,916,053
US Deaths: 103,947
Worldwide Cases: 6,855,858
Worldwide Deaths: 398,321

It's all about him, all the time.  In the same way Trump had federal agents use rubber bullets and teargas against peaceful protestors --- including clergy --- just so that he could stand in front of a church and pointlessly wave a Bible around, yesterday he visited a manufacturer of swabs for coronavirus testing, and as a consequence, that manufacturer lost a full day's worth of production:
"The running of the factory machines is very limited today and will only occur when the president is touring the facility floor," Virginia Templet, the company's marketing manager told USA TODAY in response to questions about the event. "Swabs produced during that time will be discarded."
And naturally, Trump continued to wear a mask, presumably because he thinks his precious face is too beautiful to cover up, or because he thinks hygiene is unmanly, or some other equally ridiculous reason.

In the unlikely event a Trump supporter is reading this, let me just say --- you may love Trump.  Your reasons are inscrutable to me, but at least I understand that you love him.

What YOU need to understand, however, is that however much you love Trump, he loves himself more.  In fact, the only person or thing Donald Trump loves is Donald Trump.

His stunt at the church, his stunt today, and hundreds more like it show that he doesn't care whether you or I die --- or our children or families --- if it means even another five seconds for him to feed his precious ego.

If that's the man you want to support, that's your right.  But you should take a moment to really think about your priorities.

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