Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I've donated to some of these candidates --- I wish I could donate to all of them.

In an effort to support a 'blue wave', I've identified a number of close races where a few extra dollars might help push the Democrat over the top.  ALL RACES BASED ON UPDATED FIVETHIRTYEIGHT ANALYSIS AS OF 10/22/2018!

I'll make an effort to keep this page up to date, but as always with stuff you read on the internet, caveat emptor.

Like most people (with a conscience, anyway), I'm both angry and upset about Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court.  The good news is, we have a real chance in the next month to re-take the Senate.  If we manage to get 51 Democrats elected, it will guarantee that Trump can't seat any more Supreme Court justices until at least 2021.  So we need to do everything we can to elect Democrats to the Senate, even Democrats with views we strongly disagree with.

Here are the Senate races which are still in play, listed from most GOP-leaning to most Democrat-leaning, according to FiveThirtyEight as of October 22:
  • Beto O'Rourke (TX).  Trailing incumbent Ted Cruz by 5.0%.
  • Phil Bredesen (TN).  Trailing Marsha Blackburn by 4.1% in the race to fill the seat vacated by Bob Corker.  MoveOn has pulled its funding from Bredesen for saying he supports Brett Kavanaugh, but that was a mistake.
  • Heidi Heitkamp (ND).  Trailing challenger Kevin Cramer by 4.2%.  Cramer who recently said that even if Brett Kavanaugh DID attempt to rape Christine Blasey Ford, it's 'nothing' because it 'never went anywhere'.
  • Jacky Rosen (NV).  Trailing incumbent Dean Heller by 0.1%.
  • Claire McCaskill (MO).  Leading her challenger by 1.7%.
  • Kyrsten Sinema (AZ).  Has a 1.9% lead in the race to replace retiring Senator Jeff Flake.
  • Bill Nelson (FL).  Leading Florida governor Rick Scott by 2.6%.
  • Joe Donnelly (IN).  Has a 3.7% lead in his race for re-election.
I've taken Joe Manchin (WV) off this list, because FiveThirtyEight currently favors him by nearly 10 points.  Since my last update, the Republicans have gained ground in Texas, North Dakota, Nevada and Indiana.  Sinema's lead remains constant, and Democrats have gained ground everywhere else.  If the current polling holds, Democrats will lose one seat (Heitkamp) and pick up one other (Sinema), leaving Republicans with the same 51-49 advantage they currently hold.

So we need to get Jacky Rosen back ahead in Nevada, and hope that O'Rourke, Bredesen or Heitkamp pull off an upset.  Those four races are probably the best ones to put money into.

U.S. House
  • Of course I need to mention the Democratic challenger Angie Craig right here in my home district of MN-02.  This district has been red for a very long time, but Angie has a real chance of bringing home the win for team D.  Leading by 6.8%.
  • Dan Feehan is gaining on Republican Jim Hagedorn in the open DEMOCRATIC seat in MN-01 which Tim Walz vacated to run for governor.  Trailing by 0.2%.
  • Joe Radinovich is the Democrat running to replace retiring Democrat Rick Nolan in MN-08. The GOP is running attack ads against him because, it seems --- he has a lot of parking tickets, speeding tickets, and so forthTrailing by 5.2%.
  • Amy McGrath has a real shot to flip a seat in ruby-red Kentucky (KY-06).  She also has some amazing campaign ads.  Leading by 0.7%.
  • Katie Porter is on track to flip a seat in CA-45.  Leading by 3.6%.
  • NEW!  Josh Harder is likely to flip CA-10.  Leading by 4.0%.
  • NEW!  Katie Hill is likely to flip CA-25.  Leading by 3.2%.
  • HOLY SMOKE!!!  Harley Rouda is currently ahead of the repugnant Dana Rohrabacher, considered the member of Congress most compromised by Russia.  We need to win this one, folks!  Leading by 3.0%!
  • Xochitl Torres Small is in a dead heat to fill another open Republican seat in NM-02.  Leading by 0.2%.
  • FiveThirtyEight still has this race as 'Lean Republican', but Cook Political Report has just moved UT-04 to a tossup between Democratic challenger Ben McAdams and incumbent Republican Mia Love.  Trailing by 1.8%.
  • Lizzie Fletcher is positioned to defeat incumbent Republican John Culberson in TX-07.  Trailing by 0.2%.
  • Gina Ortiz Jones is falling behind incumbent Republican Will Hurd in TX-23.  Trailing by 5.8%.
  • NEW!  Colin Allred is within striking distance of current House Rules Committee chair Pete Sessions in TX-32.  Trailing by 1.6%.
  • Paul Davis is in a tossup race for an open GOP seat in KS-02.  Leading by 0.9%.
  • Sharice Davids has pulled into the lead over incumbent Republican Kevin Yoder in KS-03.  Leading by 5.9%.
  • Sean Casten is close behind incumbent Republican Peter Roskam in IL-06.  Leading by 2.0%.
  • Brendan Kelly is close on the heels of incumbent Mike Bost in IL-12.  Trailing by 2.2%.
  • Elissa Slotkin is tied with incumbent Mike Bishop in MI-8 (Cook Political Report just changed the race to 'Lean Democrat').  Leading by 0.7%.
  • Kara Eastman is neck-and-neck with incumbent Republican Don Bacon in NE-02.  Trailing by 3.0%.
  • Cindy Axne is statistically tied with Republican incumbent David Young in IA-03.  Leading by 1.9%.
  • Aftab Pureval has slipped behind incumbent Republican Steve Chabot in OH-01.  Trailing by 4.0%.
  • NEW!  Danny O'Connor is closing on an incumbent Republican in OH-12.  Trailing by 2.0%.
  • Debbie Mucarsel-Powell has a shot at unseating incumbent Republican Carlos Curbelo in FL-26.  Trailing by 0.4%.
  • NEW!  Kristen Carlson has a chance to flip FL-15.  Trailing by 3.0%.
  • Kathy Manning is in a tossup race against incumbent Republican Ted Budd in NC-13.  Trailing by 1.4%.
  • Dan McCready has moved NC-09 to a tossup.  Leading by 0.9%.
  • NEW!  Linda Coleman is within striking distance in NC-02.  Trailing by 2.4%.
  • Leslie Cockburn is poised to pick up an open GOP seat in VA-05.  Trailing by 2.0%.
  • Abigail Spanberger is a bit more than one point behind the odious Dave Brat in VA-07.  Trailing by 0.2%.
  • NEW!  Elaine Luria is within striking distance in VA-02.  Trailing by 2.0%.
  • Andy Kim is neck-and-neck with incumbent Republican Tom McArthur in NJ-03.  Leading by 2.5%.
  • Tom Malinowski is a slight favorite over incumbent Republican Leonard Lance in NJ-07.  Leading by 1.8%.
  • Antonio Delgado is slightly favored over incumbent Republican John Faso in NY-19.  Leading by 1.7%.
  • NEW!  Anthony Brindisi is favored to flip NY-22.  Leading by 2.2%.
  • NEW!  Nate McMurray is within striking distance of incumbent Republican Chris Collins, who has been indicted for insider tradingTrailing by 4.3%.
  • Scott Wallace is in a dead heat with incumbent Republican Brian Fitzpatrick in PA-01.  Leading by 0.6%.
  • NEW!  George Scott has a chance to flip PA-10.  Trailing by 3.2%.
  • Jared Golden is within striking distance of flipping ME-02.  Leading by 2.0%.
  • Kim Schrier has a narrow lead in the race to fill an open (Republican) seat in WA-08.  Leading by 1.4%.
  • Laura Kelly has a good shot to claim the governor's mansion in Kansas, and it's vital that she does.  Her opponent is Trump's voter-suppression guru Kris Kobach, who is such a clown a judge recently ordered him to take classes to gain a better understanding of the law (no, really).  Kelly would likely have a decent lead over Kobach if it weren't for the fact that some third-party wanker has decided to try to screw things up for her.  I just made a donation to Kelly myself.  Trailing by 2.3%.
  • Stacey Abrams has a good chance to claim the governor's mansion in Georgia.  If she manages to win, it will happen in spite of massive voter suppression on the part of her opponent.  Trailing by 0.4%.
  • Andrew Gillum is consistently polling ahead of Trump's hand-picked candidate for governor of Florida, a position which has been held by the odious Rick Scott for the past 8 years.  Leading by 4.1%.
  • Recent polls actually show Democrat Tony Evers pulling away from odious Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, but it might be a good idea to throw Evers a few bucks to make sure he keeps his lead.  Leading by 2.0%.
  • NEW!  Richard Cordray is keeping it close in Ohio.  Trailing by 0.8%.
  • NEW!  Steve Sisolak is neck-and-neck with his Republican opponent in Nevada.  Leading by 0.4%.
  • NEW!  In Alaska's crazy governor's race, Mark Begich is trailing by 3.8%.
That's all for now.  I'm sure I'll come up with others before election day, so bookmark this post and keep checking in for updates!

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