Sunday, October 7, 2018

We Need Manchin and Bredesen

This was a mistake:
MoveOn, a progressive outside group, said on Friday that it is cutting support for Democrats in two key Senate races because they are supporting Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. 
"We're cancelling a planned six-figure digital video ad expenditure for Phil Bredesen in Tennessee due to his Kavanaugh position," the group said in a tweet. 
They added that "similarly [we] will be pulling all planned campaigning on behalf of Joe Manchin in West Virginia if he votes yes. Kavanaugh is unfit for the Court."
This makes sense politically --- why reward two guys who would a support serial liar and likely sexual predator for the Supreme Court?  But it exactly wrong strategically.

There are two reasons why we need Joe Manchin and Phil Bredesen in the U.S. Senate.  The first is: No matter how far they may be from our 'ideal' Democrat, they're still going to be one hell of a lot better than their Republican alternatives.  Manchin, for example, has voted with Trump 61.5% percent of the time, which makes him a terrible Democrat.

But if his Republican challenger wins his seat, that person will be voting for Trump nearly 100% of the time.  It's important to remember that we're talking about West Virginia, a state trump carried by 42 points.  The story is similar with Bredesen.

The second, and most important reason to continue supporting these guys is that the Senate is at stake.  The Republicans seated Kavanaugh with a 51-49 margin.  Just think who they'll seat next if Justice Ginsburg or Justice Breyer die in the next two years.

The ONLY way to prevent the situation from deteriorating is to hope that the Democrats manage to win at least 51 seats next month.  If that happens, Chuck Schumer likely replaces Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader, and it's almost certain that freezes out any more Trump SCOTUS appointments for the next 2 years.

The Kavanugh fight is over, and we lost.  Don't allow that to set ourselves up to lose the next fight.

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