Thursday, June 18, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 100

US Tests: 25,403,498
US Cases: 2,177,888
US Deaths: 112,172
Worldwide Cases: 8,463,533
Worldwide Deaths: 453,268

It's amazing how coronavirus has lost its place as the biggest news story in America.  Even though the U.S. is still suffering from roughly 700 COVID19 deaths every day, and new infections are spiking in a number of states, media outlets are devoting as much, if not more attention, to the surprisingly positive Supreme Court decision on DACA, the use of Nazi symbols on Facebook by the Trump campaign, police brutality against people of color, and John Bolton's expose of Trump's stupidity and malfeasance.

Still, there are plenty of stories about Trump badly bungling the response to the virus, and you don't even need to look very hard for them.  Take for example this story about how the Trump administration paid millions of dollars for coronavirus test tubes, but got (dirty) soda bottles instead:
“It wasn’t even clean, let alone sterile,” said Teresa Green, a retired science teacher who worked at Fillakit’s makeshift warehouse outside of Houston for two weeks before leaving out of frustration.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency signed its first deal with Fillakit on May 7, just six days after the company was formed by an ex-telemarketer repeatedly accused of fraudulent practices over the past two decades. Fillakit has supplied a total of more than 3 million tubes, which FEMA then approved and sent to all 50 states. If the company fulfills its contractual obligation to provide 4 million tubes, it will receive a total of $10.16 million.

Officials in New York, New Jersey, Texas and New Mexico confirmed they can’t use the Fillakit tubes. Three other states told ProPublica that they received Fillakit supplies and have not distributed them to testing sites. FEMA has asked health officials in several states to find an alternative use for the unfinished soda bottles.
Just another day in Donald Trump's America! 

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