Monday, June 22, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 104

US Tests: 27,559,492
US Cases: 2,297,383
US Deaths: 114,034
Worldwide Cases: 9,062,837
Worldwide Deaths: 470,716

We hit a new milestone today, in that the total number of cases worldwide passed the 9 million mark.  And yesterday, we hit a new milestone in the U.S., when we finally administered the number of tests Mike Pence promised we would have by the end of March.

Meanwhile, Trump will be setting foot in unfamiliar territory tomorrow: a church.  But of course, consistent the the #TrumpDeathCult, the senior pastor at the church is an obvious charlatan, telling lies that endanger the public health for pure political gain:
“When you come into our auditorium, 99% of COVID is gone! Killed! If it was there in the first place. So you can know when you come here you’ll be safe and protected,” Dream City Church Senior Pastor Luke Barnett said in a Facebook video on Sunday, standing alongside the church’s COO.

“Thank God for great technology and thank God for being proactive!” Barnett added.

Why the confidence amid a global pandemic? Well, it’s the church’s new air purification system. Experts have dismissed the notion that air purifiers alone can eliminate the risk of COVID-19. But why let that get in the way of a heartwarming story?
Trump's following is truly a death cult. 

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