Saturday, June 20, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 102

US Tests: 26,566,553
US Cases: 2,241,990
US Deaths: 113,452
Worldwide Cases: 8,770,629
Worldwide Deaths: 464,039

It really is a death cult.  These poor, misinformed and quite possibly mentally unwell people are going to prove their love for America's most corrupt president by putting their lives at risk --- and the lives of anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with them --- just for the hell of it:
“I’m a nurse. I’ve worked ER for 15 years, and if we want to come to a rally, it's our decision," said Sheri Todd from Park Hill, Oklahoma. "I’ve had friends who had it; they were sick for a couple of weeks. But it's still our choice.”

"As far as I know, I’m still an American," said Tom Todd, Sheri's husband and a retired welder.

"This is a free country and I can do what I want. If I want to wear a mask, I wear a mask. If I don’t, I don't. If I get sick, I get sick. That's my choice," Tom continued, adding that he thought the number of coronavirus deaths was being "padded."

Sheri agreed: "Some of these numbers aren't real."
Personally, I think an ER nurse who shows such an abject failure to understand basic hygiene shouldn't have a job.  But there is one bright spot.  Despite obvious lies from Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale of the 800,000+ people who registered to attend the 19,000 seat event, they didn't even fill the venue:
Ignoring health warnings, Trump went through with his first rally in 110 days in Tulsa, Oklahoma, one of the largest indoor gatherings in the world during a coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 120,000 Americans, put 40 million out of work and upended Trump’s reelection bid.

In the hours before the event, crowds were significantly lighter than expected, and campaign officials scrapped plans for Trump to first address an overflow space outdoors. About a third of the seats at his indoor rally were empty.

Trump tried to explain away the crowd size by blaming the media for declaring “don’t go, don’t come, don’t do anything” and by insisting there were protesters outside who were “doing bad things.” But the small crowds of prerally demonstrators were largely peaceful, and Tulsa police reported just one arrest Saturday afternoon. 
Please let this be the beginning of the end of this nightmare. 

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