Friday, June 5, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 87

US Tests: 19,231,444
US Cases: 1,892,727
US Deaths: 103,201
Worldwide Cases: 6,734,088
Worldwide Deaths: 394,875

The pain, and the hate, and the isolation, and a few other things got to me today.  At about 1:30 this afternoon, for no particular reason, I just started crying, and cried for about 5 minutes.

Usually, I handle stress pretty well, I think.  And I compartmentalize well.  I don't bring my work home with me --- even now, when I've been working from home for the past 12 weeks --- and I don't let my personal life interfere with my work.


But let's face it.  We live in a uniquely trying time.  I'm sure that all of us, at one time or another (and probably more than once), have hit our limit.  And it occurred to me, when I got done crying, that practically everyone must be twisted and worn out and raw right now.  And I do mean everyone.

Medical professionals.

Those who have lost their jobs.

Those who have sheltered in place for months.

Those who don't know where their next meal is coming from.

Those who make sure to wear masks every time they go to the store, and those who get outraged when they're required to wear masks in the store.

Those who have lost loved ones.

Those who are protesting against stay at home orders, and those who are protesting 400 years of racism in America.  The police trying to maintain order, and yes, even the police who are abusing their power. 

Black people everywhere, no matter which of the above buckets they find themselves in.

The oppressed and the oppressors.

Seriously --- is ANYONE in America happy with how things are right now?  As someone who loves the principles of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and just plain freedom, I know that I'm not happy with America under Trump, and no one else who thinks as I do is, either.

I know most black people aren't happy.

And I can't believe that Trump or the members of his death cult are happy, either.  Trump knows most of America hates him, and his sycophants know they've debased themselves for a deeply stupid and amoral man.  I have to believe that most of the rank and file Republicans know that they're on the wrong side of history; they're just scared to admit it.

Why are we still doing this?  Inertia?

Seriously, Republicans.  Would removing this cancerous growth from the White House REALLY be worse than what's happening now?

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