Monday, June 8, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 90

US Tests: 20,615,303
US Cases: 1,952,401
US Deaths: 105,040
Worldwide Cases: 7,097,717
Worldwide Deaths: 405,168

The good news is, according to one recent study, the various lockdowns across the U.S. prevented approximately 60 million additional infections.

The bad news, of course, is that we're in the process of throwing away those gains:
But as the pandemic persists, more and more states are pulling back on the measures they’d instituted to slow the virus. The Trump administration’s Coronavirus Task Force is winding down its activities. Its testing czar is returning to his day job at the Department of Health and Human Services. As the long, hot summer of 2020 begins, the facts suggest that the U.S. is not going to beat the coronavirus. Collectively, we slowly seem to be giving up. It is a bitter and unmistakably American cruelty that the people who might suffer most are also fighting for justice in a way that almost certainly increases their risk of being infected.

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