Monday, June 1, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 83

US Tests: 17,340,682
US Cases: 1,799,761
US Deaths: 99,005
Worldwide Cases: 6,265,496
Worldwide Deaths: 375,526

There needs to be a national strike until Trump resigns.  Because:
President Trump delivered his first formal address Monday evening amid mounting protests nationwide in the wake of George Floyd’s death, saying that he has “strongly recommended” that every governor deploy the National Guard to “dominate the streets.”

The President’s remarks in the Rose Garden came as federal police used tear gas and flash bangs to disperse a seemingly peaceful crowd outside the White House, creating a surreal split screen as unrest boils over in cities across the country.

The aggressive police tacts were apparently used so that Trump could make a surprise visit to St. John’s Episcopal Church — a historic church near the White House that was vandalized during protests the night before. The President stood in front of the church and waved alongside senior officials, including chief of staff Mark Meadows, Attorney General Bill Barr, National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany for a photo-op. Trump also awkwardly waved around a Bible.

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