Thursday, October 22, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 226

US Tests: 119,936,082*
US Cases: 8,366,221*
US Deaths: 214,845*
Worldwide Cases: 41,584,690*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,135,767*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Not to be a broken record, but we're just at the leading edge of the worst wave of the #TrumpVirus to date:
The US is now well into the dreaded fall surge, fueled by indoor socializing, outbreaks at schools and pandemic fatigue.

. . .

Florida, which recently reopened many businesses to full capacity but with no mask requirements, reported its highest single-day increase of new cases in more than two months: 5,557 on Thursday. The statewide Covid-19 death toll rose to 16,470.

Oklahoma reported a record-high 1,628 new cases Thursday, the highest daily number of new cases since the pandemic began.

Ohio broke its record Wednesday and again Thursday, with more than 2,400 new infections reported. "Of the 10 highest days of new cases reported, eight have occurred in the past nine days," Gov. Mike DeWine said.

And in New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday that hospitalizations were the highest they have been in three months.

It's not just the soaring numbers of new cases that's concerning. It's also the rising numbers of deaths and hospitalizations -- which could reduce care for patients who don't even have Covid-19.

"Hospitals are starting to fill up," Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said Thursday.

Yes, everyone is sick and tired of masks and social distancing and not being able to socialize as usual.  But to borrow a phrase, the #TrumpVirus doesn't care about your feelings. 

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