Wednesday, October 21, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 225

US Tests: 118,936,386*
US Cases: 8,289,661*
US Deaths: 213,672*
Worldwide Cases: 41,088,902*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,128,701*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

If you're looking for some happy news --- you've come to the wrong place.  Tonight, it's ALL bad news.

First up --- although we've long-known that hydroxychloroquine is just another name for snake oil (which didn't stop Donald Trump from singing its praises), it now appears that remdesivir is useless as well:
These Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir and Interferon regimens appeared to have little or no effect on hospitalized COVID-19, as indicated by overall mortality, initiation of ventilation and duration of hospital stay. The mortality findings contain most of the randomized evidence on Remdesivir and Interferon, and are consistent with meta-analyses of mortality in all major trials.

And also --- when I wrote yesterday that my son and his housemates all tested negative for the #TrumpVirus, it turns out I was making some incorrect assumptions.

What my son actually TOLD me was "Everyone tested negative we're good".  But apparently, when he said "Everyone tested", he meant everyone EXCEPT his housemates and himself.

One of his housemates got a positive test result today.  Apparently he has completely lost his sense of smell.

My son's other housemate is getting tested tomorrow.  My son isn't getting tested until Friday (because reasons).

Of course, they're college kids, the three of them live in a shoe, and even though I sent him there with a collection of 10 masks, I'm guessing they are only lightly used.  So if my son's test DOES come back negative, it will be a miracle --- and meaningless, anyway, since his housemate is positive.

I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that my son ends up being one of those 19-year-olds who is asymptomatic, or has very mild symptoms.

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