Saturday, October 3, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 207

US Tests: 102,881,973*
US Cases: 7,345,232*
US Deaths: 201,351*
Worldwide Cases: 34,768,408*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,030,880*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Some people believe that Trump doesn't really have #COVID19, that he's staging it for one reason or another.  Perhaps as an excuse to avoid more debates or, so that he can re-emerge, perfectly healthy, in a few days, and claim that the virus is no big deal.

Stories like this one lead me to believe that such theories are incorrect.
Among White House staff and the re-election effort, some advisers were furious that Trump wasn’t talked out of attending a high-roller fundraiser at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club on Thursday night, after the White House already learned of his exposure to the virus, two administration officials said. The senior official was also exasperated that the way the White House bungled the information rollout in the past couple days left the administration wide-open to allegations of yet another disastrous cover-up.

“It’s just fuck-up after fuck-up,” said a senior administration official who works with the coronavirus task force. “I don’t have much more to add [beyond] that.”

It's true that a number of Trump administration officials have been sharply critical of him --- but that usually only occurs after they've left their jobs at the White House.  At a minimum, if this IS a hoax, the Trump administration is doing a very poor job of keeping their people in line.

Also, a lot of senior GOP officials seem to believe this is pretty damn real:

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