Monday, October 12, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 216

US Tests: 110,909,914*
US Cases: 7,770,673*
US Deaths: 206,881*
Worldwide Cases: 37,724,073*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,078,446*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Trump will forever be synonymous with the coronavirus.  He really does seem bound and determined to personally kill as many people with it as possible:
During a Sunday morning appearance on Fox News, for instance, Trump claimed without evidence that he’s “immune” to the virus, but didn’t answer a question about what precautions his campaign will take to try to keep people safe at his rallies. Along the same lines, during a separate Fox News appearance, Trump campaign official Lara Trump deflected questions about the safety of Trump holding in-person events.

The fact of the matter is it doesn’t appear Trump’s campaign plans to do much. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says large gatherings where it’s hard to maintain physical distance from others (like political rallies) present the “highest risk” of becoming spreading events, but the campaign’s response to questions about how they’re flouting government guidance has been to suggest the right of assembly trumps public health.

Rally attendees are still required to sign a waiver absolving the campaign of any responsibility if they contract Covid-19. And early images from Sanford indicate that there won’t be much social distancing or mask-wearing.



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