Saturday, October 10, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 214

US Tests: 109,131,801*
US Cases: 7,680,854*
US Deaths: 206,133*
Worldwide Cases: 37,077,182*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,070,990*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

I think we can safely call it the #TrumpVirus now.  Of course, he spent last weekend at Walter Reed, and presumably is STILL infected, since the White House won't tell us when his last negative test occurred.  But he returned to the White House Monday in blatant defiance of CDC guidelines:
Guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say people infected with coronavirus should isolate from others for at least 10 days after their symptoms appear, though Trump has blatantly disregarded recommendations from the CDC over the course of the pandemic.

Few believe Trump could be prevented from staging more photo-ops like he did on Sunday, when he emerged from the confines of Walter Reed in a black SUV to greet supporters standing on the roadside nearby. Afterward, Secret Service agents told CNN the episode demonstrated a disregard by the President for their health and safety.

He continued the practice on Monday when he arrived back to the White House. After saluting the helicopter and walking indoors without a mask, Trump could be seen returning outside with several people and a camera crew to apparently re-shoot his entrance into the house.

He is now a one-man super spreader.  And of course, his reckless behavior will no doubt be used as a model for other selfish idiots in the #TrumpDeathCult.  But that's just the latest chapter in the story of the Super Spreader in Chief.  Mother Jones has the full run-down here

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