Thursday, October 8, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 212

US Tests: 107,107,138*
US Cases: 7,566,106*
US Deaths: 204,566*
Worldwide Cases: 36,431,251*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,060,773*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Another day, another whistleblower.  This time a top scientist at the National Institutes of Health:
Rick Bright, a top government vaccine scientist who warned earlier this year that the Trump administration’s COVID-19 response had been politicized, took to CNN on Thursday to blast the President’s messaging on COVID-19 as “reckless and deadly.”

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During an interview on CNN’s “The Lead” on Thursday, Bright ripped Trump’s “don’t be afraid of COVID” assertion that was issued shortly before the President’s departure from Walter Reed on Monday following his COVID-19 treatment at the military hospital.

“The messaging that President Trump gave to America and the world when he left the hospital about there is no need to be afraid of this virus is probably the most reckless and deadly piece of information I have ever heard,” Bright said.

Bright also took aim at Trump’s “irresponsible and reckless” suggestions of a COVID-19 vaccine approval in time for the November presidential election.

“He’s mentioned it on numerous occasions, that he wants the vaccine before the election,” Bright said. “There’s no rationale in scientific judgment to move that vaccine to meet that target date. He is not a scientist. He’s not a doctor. I say let the scientists do their job.”

Bright dismissed the notion of Trump rushing the approval of a COVID-19 as a sound effort to save lives.

The number of votes Trump deserves in 4 weeks is zero.  And I don't just mean zero electoral votes; I mean zero votes, period.

The fact that he will likely receive more than 60 million is a testament to the power of racism, short attention spans, and Fox News. 

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