Friday, October 9, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 213

US Tests: 108,120,726*
US Cases: 7,623,648*
US Deaths: 205,470*
Worldwide Cases: 36,778,228*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,066,391*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

He sounds like a homeless man ranting on a street corner.  If he weren't the president, I'm pretty sure he would have been institutionalized by now.
The President has shifted from hyping a vaccine to the drug he himself was treated with: a monoclonal antibody treatment designed to prevent the virus from infecting human cells.

The huckster-in-chief’s little-noticed shift from a rushed vaccine to a new elixir comes as hopes for a pre-election vaccine began to fade this week when the FDA announced criteria for evaluating a shot that would push any approval past the November election.

“I think we should have [a vaccine] before the election, but frankly the politics gets involved,” Trump lamented in a video this week.

By Friday morning, Trump was pumping it up to Rush Limbaugh: “We have a cure. More than just a therapeutic, we have a cure.”

Regeneron’s cutting-edge drug isn’t a vaccine, nor is it a cure. It’s a treatment, and one that remains unproven, though promising.

But that hasn’t stopped Trump from touting it, and making himself Exhibit A for the false proposition that it’s a cure.

Despite what the #TrumpDeathCult wants you to believe, it is entirely appropriate for Nancy Pelosi and Congress to be making recommendations about invoking the 25th amendment

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