Monday, September 28, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 202

US Tests: 98,691,290*
US Cases: 7,117,251*
US Deaths: 197,129*
Worldwide Cases: 22,273,270*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,000,555*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Another sad milestone.  One million deaths.  And while this milestone is not America's shame exclusively, we did contribute our fair share of deaths (and then some).  And sadly, we all know WHY America has paid a higher price than most any other country.

Because of crap like this:
Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield was overheard on an airplane candidly expressing his real feelings on Friday, revealing to all his dim view of President Trump’s new favorite COVID-19 adviser, NBC reported.

“Everything he says is false,” Redfield said of Dr. Scott Atlas, a neurologist who hasn’t practiced medicine since 2012.

Before joining the White House’s coronavirus task force in August 2020, Atlas had not spent time on epidemiology but rather on advocacy against “socialized medicine.”

An NBC News reporter overheard Redfield discussing Atlas while on a flight from Atlanta to Washington D.C. After the flight landed, Redfield confirmed to NBC that he was discussing Atlas.

Atlas has faced widespread criticism for advocating a contrarian approach to managing the virus while lacking epidemiological expertise, recommending, for example, that all schools be reopened.

Faculty members at Stanford University Medical School sent an open letter on September 10 accusing Atlas of peddling “falsehoods,” to which he responded with a threat of a defamation lawsuit sent by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz.

Dr. Deborah Birx, another prominent task force member who has managed to stay in the President’s good graces, is reportedly “distressed” over how enamored Trump has become with Atlas.

And still more than 40% of Americans approve of this stain.  And shrug off another 1,000 deaths or so as just another day in America. 

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