Thursday, September 24, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 198

US Tests: 95,181,735*
US Cases: 6,941,911*
US Deaths: 194,852*
Worldwide Cases: 32,135,220*
Worldwide Deaths: 981,660*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

I don't know whether this is funny, or sad.  Today I was idly checking out the list of countries where Americans can still travel during the pandemic --- as you may know, only nine countries allow Americans in without restrictions, while many have banned us altogether --- and I noticed that the State Department has travel advisories for some of them.

And that's reasonable.  An important function of the federal government is to keep Americans safe, and although they're doing a stunningly bad job in regards to the coronavirus, the virus isn't the only threat in the world.  So I checked out some of these travel advisories.

And after a bit of clicking around, I found this map, which shows that the State Department has issued a coronavirus warning for literally every country on the planet --- except for the United States.  Which kind of makes sense, until you realize that --- along with India and Brazil --- the United States is the most badly-infected nation on the planet.

So --- far from the State Department needing to WARN Americans to stay home, they should actually be ENCOURAGING us to travel to other countries with a lower rate of infection.

If they would let us in.

Which most of them won't.

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