Wednesday, September 9, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 183

US Tests: 83,942,519*
US Cases: 6,329,405*
US Deaths: 182,779*
Worldwide Cases: 27,719,952*
Worldwide Deaths: 901,050*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Trump needs to resign.  After today's shocking revelation that Trump understood the threat that the virus posed, but consistently lied to the American public about that threat, while promoting counterproductive responses such as hydroxychloroquine, former Bush White House medical adviser Jonathan Reiner called on Trump to resign:
“I want everyone to understand, we’re about to hit 200,000 deaths. So you would have 30,000 instead of 200,000 just to put that number a different way,” Burnett noted. “Sobering and awful reality.”

Burnett then played a clip of an upcoming 60 Minutes interview with Woodward, who accuses Trump of “going down a path of deceit and cover up.”

“Dr. Reiner, how much damage did the president do by lying? I feel lying is the right word, not misleading, because he’s saying what the truth was as he knew it to Bob Woodward and saying the exact opposite to the American people at the same time.”

“The president should resign. He’s failed the public,” Reiner said bluntly. “Look, many of us have wondered for a long time whether our catastrophic response was simply incompetence or how much malfeasance was in that. Now we know that from the very beginning, the president knew that this was a lethal virus, at least five times as lethal as the worse flu. We know that the president knew this was airborne. He told that to Bob Woodward on February 8th. We also know that he was briefed a week before that and told that the Chinese was seeing this in large numbers in asymptomatic people. But yet months went on before the president embraced masks. Not only that, his surgeon general discouraged people a month later from wearing masks.”

Trump should have resigned long ago.  The Senate should have voted to remove him.  Let's hope Reiner is not alone in calling for Trump's resignation, and let's hope that THIS is the scandal that finally causes some members of the #TrumpDeathCult to re-assess their choices. 

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