Friday, September 18, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 192

US Tests: 90,254,920*
US Cases: 6,688,827*
US Deaths: 190,566*
Worldwide Cases: 30,395,579*
Worldwide Deaths: 950,434*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Sadly, it can't be said too often.  Trump literally doesn't care whether you die, if he thinks it will help him politically:
A heavily criticized recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month about who should be tested for the coronavirus was not written by C.D.C. scientists and was posted to the agency’s website despite their serious objections, according to several people familiar with the matter as well as internal documents obtained by The New York Times.

The guidance said it was not necessary to test people without symptoms of Covid-19 even if they had been exposed to the virus. It came at a time when public health experts were pushing for more testing rather than less, and administration officials told The Times that the document was a C.D.C. product and had been revised with input from the agency’s director, Dr. Robert Redfield.

But officials told The Times this week that the Department of Health and Human Services did the rewriting and then “dropped” it into the C.D.C.’s public website, flouting the agency’s strict scientific review process.

. . .

“Suggesting that asymptomatic people don’t need testing is just a prescription for community spread and further disease and death,” said Dr. Susan Bailey, president of the American Medical Association, which usually works closely with the C.D.C.

They think their ignorance is just as good as scientific knowledge, vote accordingly, etc. 

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