Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fascism: Coming Soon to a City Near You

I just finished calling out yet another jaw-dropping policy fiasco which should result in the immediate resignation of our villain-in-chief.  And here's another:
CPB and ICE are among the most aggressively politicized branches of federal law enforcement and heavily supportive of the President’s policies. They are also accustomed to and indeed trained to deal with people with few civil or political rights and little ability to invoke the few rights they have. The specific officers deployed in support of FPS aren’t even regular CBP and ICE officers. They’re the immigration equivalent of SWAT teams. The acting head of CBP openly says they won’t wear name tags or numbers because this would allegedly put them and their families at risk from Antifa. In other words, they’re explicitly invoking the Antifa hysteria one sees on Fox News and right wing media to justify what are commonly understood as secret police tactics.

They are the perfect vehicle for what the White House and these acting appointees at DHS want to do which is to seeks out confrontations which are consistent with President Trump’s campaign agenda. In their current form they really do amount to a federal political police force acting at the direction of the political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security, none of whom are even confirmed by the Senate to be acting in their current positions.
Acting DHS secretary Ken Cuccinelli made it quite clear on NPR that there are plans to take this federal occupation of cities by CBP and ICE nationwide.

Federal agents, occupying U.S. cities without the explicit invitation or even consent of local or state elected officials, detaining citizens without due process or accountability.  That's what the Trump administration has become.

It's almost as if Trump is testing his supporters, to see if they really WILL continue to support him no matter what.  He sure as hell isn't trying to persuade undecideds to give him another term. 

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