Monday, July 20, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 132

US Tests: 46,462,864*
US Cases: 3,813,916*
US Deaths: 133,283*
Worldwide Cases: 14,655,405*
Worldwide Deaths: 609,198*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

If it seems that we're trapped in a downward spiral, perhaps it's because we are.  First, Trump sent armed goons in camo --- but no name badges or other identification --- into Portland, to divert attention from how badly he's mishandling the coronavirus response.

But now it seems that his brilliant plan to invoke an authoritarian crackdown on largely peaceful protestors has backfired (who could have predicted?), and so he's bringing back daily coronavirus briefings to divert attention from his creeping fascism:
During the first season of Trump’s briefings, the President often went on bizarre and unrelated tangents. He also often used the briefings to attack the assembled journalists in the room. At one briefing, Trump almost completely ignored the coronavirus threat and instead detailed his administration’s operations to go after MS-13. Cable news networks often cut away from the briefings altogether, in search of actual news on the pandemic.

Trump added Monday that the new briefings will be “a great way to get information out to the public” when it comes to the status of vaccines, therapeutics and “generally speaking where we are” on the COVID-19 outbreak.

The President reiterated the briefing will start “probably tomorrow” during the “good slot” of 5 p.m. and predicted that a lot of people will tune in. Trump said that White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany will continue her briefings separately, but that his briefings will discuss the coronavirus and “perhaps some other things.”
We're circling the drain. 

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