Saturday, July 11, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 123

US Tests: 39,553,395
US Cases: 3,230,991
US Deaths: 127,201
Worldwide Cases: 12,671,592
Worldwide Deaths: 563,841

Instead of discussing either Trump's failure to manage the pandemic, his corruption in making money off the pandemic (for himself, his family, and his cronies), or both, today I will instead pass along a story from a friend of mine, a nurse.
A coworker of mine told me about a friend of hers who is an ER nurse down in Eugene. They were treating a young man for Covid symptoms and he insisted on three tests because he wasn’t believing the results. After the third positive rapid test, he yelled that Covid was fake news and that they were just trying to hurt him, and left against medical advice. He’s now out in the general population, spreading his fake germs.
When I read this, my first thought was that this wouldn't have happened if Hillary Clinton were president, since she would exercise appropriate judgment, and wouldn't encourage people to think of the virus as a hoax, or 'fake news'.

But then I realized that even if he weren't president, Trump would still be tweeting out idiotic stuff, and so there would still be idiots like this man.  So this would still have happened.

And then I realized that no, it wouldn't, either.  Because Hillary would also have demonstrated leadership, and by this stage in the process, we would be reopening SAFELY (instead of reopening and hoping for a miracle), and so odds are this guy never would have been sick in the first place.

Just as reminder --- most western countries are reopening now, and doing so safely, because they did the work to tame the virus in the first place.  Something the United States has yet to do --- and sadly, probably never will.

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