Wednesday, July 1, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 113

US Tests: 32,827,359
US Cases: 2,674,813
US Deaths: 121,023
Worldwide Cases: 10,653,987
Worldwide Deaths: 514,697

Good God.  I shouldn't be surprised by now, but it's simply stunning how Trump continues to do these things, and his supporters continue not to care:
It was just hours before President Trump was set to take the stage for his rally in Tulsa last month when the news broke: Six staff at the site had just tested positive for the coronavirus.

The president, who was en route from Washington, was livid that the news was public, according to people familiar with his reaction. In the tent outside the BOK Center, where campaign staff were being tested before the event, the release of the information caused a scramble.

Health-care workers were quizzed about whether they had leaked the information about the positive cases to the news media — and then were given a different list of people to test, according to two people with direct knowledge of the events who, like others in this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal conversations.
So --- a half-dozen Trump staffers test positive for coronavirus, and the campaign's first impulse is to cover it up.  And then they continue to hold the rally anyway --- in an indoor space, without mandating the use of masks, and actively blocking efforts to promote social distancing.

This is how Trump treats his own staff and supporters.  His own self-aggrandizement is more important to him than their lives, and the lives of their families.

And they support him anyway.  Death cult. 

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