Tuesday, July 21, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 133

US Tests: 47,224,382*
US Cases: 3,876,665*
US Deaths: 134,312*
Worldwide Cases: 14,893,706*
Worldwide Deaths: 615,364*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

New York magazine has a great article about the history of the Republican war on science, and how it led us to the world's most embarrassing response to the coronavirus:
Our former peer nations are now operating in a political context Americans would find unfathomable. Every other wealthy nation in the world has successfully beaten back the disease, at least significantly, and at least for now. New Zealand’s health minister was forced to resign after allowing two people who had tested positive for COVID-19 to attend a funeral. The Italian Parliament heckled Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte when he briefly attempted to remove his mask to deliver a speech. In May — around the time Trump cheered demonstrators into the streets to protest stay-at-home orders — Boris Johnson’s top adviser set off a massive national scandal, complete with multiple calls for his resignation, because he’d been caught driving to visit his parents during lockdown. If a Trump official had done the same, would any newspaper even have bothered to publish the story?

It is difficult for us Americans to imagine living in a country where violations so trivial (by our standards) provoke such an uproar. And if you’re tempted to see for yourself what it looks like, too bad — the E.U. has banned U.S. travelers for health reasons.

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