Wednesday, July 8, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 120

US Tests: 37,532,612
US Cases: 3,042,503
US Deaths: 124,723
Worldwide Cases: 12,012,125
Worldwide Deaths: 548,896

Will the public schools open this fall or not?  It depends on whom you ask:
After Trump voiced displeasure at the CDC's handling of the issue, the agency's director said his recommendations shouldn't be used as an excuse for not returning children to classrooms.
Instead, Dr. Robert Redfield and other members of the White House coronavirus task force said every effort must be made to bring students back to schools, suggesting doing otherwise would harm their health and development.
Trump has pushed to reopen schools as a way to allow parents to return to normal work, a step that could further fuel an economic resurgence.
On Wednesday morning, he also threatened he "may cut off funding" to schools that do not reopen, though the bulk of public school funding comes from state and local governments.
"I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!" the President tweeted.
Oh gee, what a dilemma.  Do I trust the CDC, or do I trust the willfully ignorant and historically corrupt president who's always wrong about everything?

Also, as an unsurprising coda to more recent Trump idiocy, we have learned that a spike in new infections in Tulsa, OK is likely linked to the rally Trump held there 3 weeks ago, where social distancing was actively discouraged and few people wore masks: 
Tulsa County reported 261 confirmed new cases on Monday, a one-day record high, and another 206 cases on Tuesday.

Although the health department’s policy is to not publicly identify individual settings where people may have contracted the virus, Dart said those large gatherings “more than likely” contributed to the spike.

“In the past few days, we’ve seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots,” Dart said.
Death cult. 

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