Friday, July 17, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 129

US Tests: 44,203,733*
US Cases: 3,626,881*
US Deaths: 131,523*
Worldwide Cases: 14,060,402*
Worldwide Deaths: 601,820*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

The Trump regime's push to reopen public schools is, like every other policy they pursue, a clusterfuck:
Now, an effort that many inside the White House expected would prove widely popular has come to typify Trump's halting efforts to confront the pandemic. He has undercut his administration's public health experts in the name of returning the country to normal. Instead of providing clear instructions or mandates for how to combat the virus, Trump is issuing sweeping directives without saying how they should be achieved. And, through Trump's own making, the issue has become a political litmus test alongside mask-wearing and public gatherings.
Additional guidance promised by the administration has been delayed. Internally, aides are scrambling to compile additional research to convince Americans that keeping kids at home poses more danger than sending them into classrooms after encountering unexpected resistance to their plans.
This week, White House officials and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have sparred over the rollout of additional guidance meant to encourage school reopenings, creating another point of friction in a relationship that has remained tense throughout the pandemic response.
In case it's not clear by now, Trump doesn't care about your children.  He doesn't care about you or your family.  He doesn't really care about fighting the virus, except to the extent that the rising body count is making him look bad.  So he's staging a big push to get children back in schools because that will allow their parents to go back to work, and he's just stupid enough to think that will get the economy going again.

It appears that the millions of additional #COVID19 cases and hundreds of thousands of additional deaths which will result don't enter into his thinking at all.

Remember that back in February, we had the chance to rid America of this cancer if only 20 Republican Senators had been willing to fulfill their Constitutional oath.  But only one was.  Remember that in November, too. 

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