Sunday, July 5, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 117

US Tests: 35,512,916
US Cases: 2,881,016
US Deaths: 122,673
Worldwide Cases: 11,409,805
Worldwide Deaths: 533,684

Something about my day today reminds me of the 'greatest generation', and the sacrifices they made to help use win WWII:
My mom and her cousin, Rose, (no kidding) were riveters in a wartime assembly plant. They wrote letters to boys in the army and dealt with food rationing, curfews and other such realities of a world at war.

Like us, the found solace in entertainment, at the movies, with newsreels, cartoons, comedy shorts, B-movies and then a feature film … the Netflix of their day.

Americans turned in old tires when the government collected rubber to make wheels for military vehicles. Scrap drives were a constant feature of daily living.

Gasoline was rationed, curfews were obeyed, especially in coastal towns amid fears the Germans or Japanese could attack those cities.

Even the lights were turned off at night to make potential targets harder to see.

The depression and war lasted for a total of 16 years. Sixteen years of economic hardship, shared sacrifice and national unity.
I'd like to emphasize that final sentence: Sixteen years of economic hardship, shared sacrifice and national unity. 

Actually, for the life of me, I can't figure out why this story popped into my head today.  Unless maybe --- no, yeah, this is what made me think of it:
Yeah.  These whackadoos in the #CultOfTrump are so weak, soft and entitled that not only can they not bear to wear a mask in a public store for TWENTY MINUTES, they believe that even being asked to wear a mask is comparable to the holocaust.

They are unhinged, they are dangerous, and they feed on the demented ramblings of their Dear Leader.

Trump has to go.  And the cowardly, craven Republicans who refuse to speak out against him need to go as well.

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