Sunday, July 19, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 131

US Tests: 45,734,327*
US Cases: 3,755,968*
US Deaths: 132,918*
Worldwide Cases: 14,448,751*
Worldwide Deaths: 605,050*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration.

There's no refuting the obvious fact that, of all countries in the industrialized world, only the United States has completely failed in responding to the coronavirus:
If you’re lucky enough to live in New Zealand, the coronavirus nightmare has been mostly over since June. After more than two weeks with no new cases, the government lifted almost all restrictions that month. The borders are still shut, but inside the country, normal life returned.

It’s coming back elsewhere too. Taiwan, where most days this month no new cases have been reported, just held the Taipei Film Festival, and a recent baseball game drew 10,000 spectators. Italy was once the epicenter of Europe’s outbreak and remains in a state of emergency, but with just a few hundred new cases a day in the whole country, bars are open and tourists have started returning, though of course Americans remain banned. According to The New York Times’s figures, there were 321 new cases in all of Canada last Friday.

And America? We had 68,241. As of last week, the worst per capita outbreak on the planet was in Arizona, followed by Florida. The world is closed to us; American passports were once coveted, but now only a few dozen nations will let us in. Lawrence O. Gostin, professor of global health law at Georgetown, told me he doesn’t expect American life to feel truly normal before summer 2022. Two years of our lives, stolen by Donald Trump. 

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