Sunday, August 23, 2020

Save the Post Office!

Yesterday, I joined with some like-minded citizens and exercised my right to freedom of speech.  Specifically, a group of more than 100 protesters gathered at our local USPS distribution facility.

And it got the attention of the local media!  Here, for example, we see Alex Lehnert of the Twin Cities FOX affiliate, capturing some video of Tom Edwards, former President of the St. Paul chapter of the American Postal Workers Union (you can tell she's a TV news reporter, since she's the one attending a protest in a cocktail dress and heels):

Although the general consensus seems to be that the local FOX9 affiliate is a decent news organization, in stark contrast to the larger FOX network, it wasn't so in this case.  FOX recorded at least 5 minutes of video with Mr. Edwards, during which time he made several good points about what Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is doing to destroy the Post Office.  He told them that 7 sorting machines have been removed from this facility alone.  He also pointed out that 30-35 blue mail dropboxes appeared out of nowhere in the facility's south lot.

(This is as close as I could get without trespassing)

And he explained that DeJoy's malfeasance will not only affect the November election, but also people who rely on the USPS for medicine and medical supplies, and small businesses.

None of this important context came through in the FOX news story.

Our local CBS affiliate was also at the rally, and did a somewhat better job with context in their interview with Edwards (also at one point, you can briefly see over Edwards' right shoulder a devilishly handsome protester in a blue t-shirt holding a sign that reads 'We 💖 USPS').  But they too focused exclusively on the political dimension, and not the ways in which DeJoy's malfeasance is affecting and will continue to affect practically everyone.

I mean --- it's not that hard to call out, people.

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