Saturday, August 15, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 158

US Tests: 66,192,221*
US Cases: 5,336,362*
US Deaths: 161,373*
Worldwide Cases: 21,377,367*
Worldwide Deaths: 769,652*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Another day, another story demonstrating that reopening college campuses is a really bad idea:
Another coronavirus cluster has been identified at the University of North Carolina.

This time, the cluster, defined as five or more cases in close proximity, was discovered at the Sigma Nu fraternity, the university said in a statement on Saturday.

The news comes just one day after the university identified clusters at the Ehringhaus Community and Granville Towers. Ehringhaus is a residence hall and Granville Towers is a private apartment complex that serves as a housing option for some UNC Chapel Hill students, according to the school's website.
"The individuals in this cluster have been identified and are isolating and receiving medical monitoring," the statement said. All residents in the living spaces have been provided with information and next steps, the university added.

While a number of campuses have planned to continue offering remote education exclusively, many still appear to be engaged in magical thinking.

I wonder how many more times stories like these will be repeated? 

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