Saturday, August 22, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 165

US Tests: 71,082,165*
US Cases: 5,639,613*
US Deaths: 168,286*
Worldwide Cases: 23,130,345*
Worldwide Deaths: 803,397*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

The country is falling apart, and Washington is doing nothing about it.  Well, I should qualify that.  Democrats passed a $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill on May 15.  The Republican-controlled Senate adjourned on August 13 without passing anything.

And then there's Donald Trump:
Just two weeks after President Trump approved executive actions aimed at bypassing stalled stimulus negotiations with Congress, only one state has said it is paying new jobless benefits, few evictions have been paused, and leading employers have made clear that workers will not benefit from the president’s new payroll tax deferral.

After talks with congressional Democrats faltered, the president on Aug. 8 signed four executive actions aimed at staving off further economic turmoil. They included a $300-per-week benefit for jobless Americans, after the previous enhanced benefits expired in late July. Trump also directed a deferral of payroll taxes, as well as a halt to evictions and a suspension of student loan payments.

But Trump’s directives have so far produced limited economic relief for Americans hurt by the coronavirus pandemic, despite promises by top White House aides that help would come within weeks. By Friday, only Arizona had started sending the extra $300 to its residents.

It continues to elude me exactly what members of the #TrumpDeathCult think that Trump and the Republicans are doing to make America great.

Or even livable. 

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