Saturday, August 29, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 172

US Tests: 76,325,567*
US Cases: 5,928,381*
US Deaths: 174,768*
Worldwide Cases: 24,896,303*
Worldwide Deaths: 840,407*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

The 2020 RNC will go down in history as the climax of the #TrumpDeathCult.  Endorsing not a political agenda, but a brazenly corrupt man, engaging in a brazenly unlawful political convention, while recklessly endangering the lives of everyone present:
Thursday’s mask-flouting crowd that largely ignored social distancing guidelines has been estimated at 1,500 — a gathering far larger than health officials have recommended to curb the spread of the coronavirus. 

CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta reported that a senior White House official had swatted away concerns to him earlier in the evening about the lack of social distancing at the President’s acceptance speech, saying, “everybody is going to catch this thing eventually.”

The White House official’s remark comes as the President and his associates spent the week painting an alternate reality of COVID-19 as either a bygone concern or a very much receding threat.

Hundreds of Trump’s supporters cheered as he created the false illusion that his Democratic opponent Joe Biden posed a greater risk to American life than the coronavirus, which continues to kills Americans by the thousands a wrenching seven months after its first reported cases in the United States.

An overwhelming majority of guests were not administered rapid coronavirus tests, Trump campaign and convention officials told the Washington Post, citing the complexity of logistics to test such a large crowd despite their close proximity to the President and White House staff.

If not for the fact that some of these people will pass the virus on to others who are behaving responsibly, I would be inclined to say that this is simply natural selection at work. 

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