Thursday, August 6, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 149

US Tests: 59,391,103*
US Cases: 4,847,920*
US Deaths: 151,458*
Worldwide Cases: 19,007,938*
Worldwide Deaths: 713,406*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Among the many things that are broken about our society, things which exacerbate the pandemic, there's the carceral state.  I honestly don't know much about it, and far less than I should.  But it doesn't take a deep understanding of the issues to know that what the Supreme Court did yesterday is just tragically wrong:
Yesterday, the Supreme Court stayed a District Court order requiring Orange County Jail to take preventative measures to prevent further outbreaks, in perhaps the cruelest use of its shadow docket yet

. . .

There is no legal principle justifying this stay. The only “principle” animating it is the belief of the Republican appointees to the Court that prisoners are subhuman and extraordinary measures need to be taken to expose as many of them to a deadly virus as possible. That’s it. And yet there will always be a legal academic with an angle claiming that elite Republican lawyers are somehow different than Donald Trump and his followers. They aren’t.
Democrats aren't perfect.  Far from it.  But it's just blindingly obvious that no Republican should ever hold a seat in government ever again. 

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