Thursday, December 24, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 289

US Tests: 204,297,572*
US Cases: 18,441,429*
US Deaths: 320,451*
Worldwide Cases: 79,344,712*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,741,394*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

There's been a lot of bad news surrounding the #TrumpVirus lately.  Let's try to end the year on a positive note, shall we?
Two new studies give encouraging evidence that having COVID-19 may offer some protection against future infections. Researchers found that people who made antibodies to the coronavirus were much less likely to test positive again for up to six months and maybe longer.

The results bode well for vaccines, which provoke the immune system to make antibodies — substances that attach to a virus and help it be eliminated.

Researchers found that people with antibodies from natural infections were “at much lower risk … on the order of the same kind of protection you’d get from an effective vaccine,” of getting the virus again, said Dr. Ned Sharpless, director of the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

“It’s very, very rare” to get reinfected, he said.

The institute’s study had nothing to do with cancer — many federal researchers have shifted to coronavirus work because of the pandemic.

Sure, there may be problems distributing the vaccine, but there's at least some evidence to suggest that once you have it, you really won't get infected!

Happy New Year! 

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