Thursday, December 17, 2020

COVID19 Update - Bonus Day 282 Post

Since I'm planning to take the next two days off from posting about the #TrumpVirus, I thought I would leave everyone with this cheery news </sarcasm>:

Some major problems are already emerging in the initial rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the federal government is not providing any good answers.

The early warning signs:

  1.  At least twelve states are reporting cuts in their initial allocations of doses.
  2. One governor is reporting that the total number of doses projected to be available nationwide has been cut by four million monthly.
  3. The vaccine maker reports it is not having production problems and says it has doses in warehouses, but is awaiting direction from the federal government on where to send them.

Truly stunning that 71 million Americans DON'T think the Trump administration is horrendously incompetent.

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