Saturday, December 5, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 270

US Tests: 175,170,968*
US Cases: 14,357,264*
US Deaths: 272,236*
Worldwide Cases: 66,442,618*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,527,209*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Another day, another record number of cases.  It looks like this will be the norm for a while --- because watching other people get sick and die is easier than wearing a mask to Costco, apparently.
Coronavirus infections continue to spread at record levels in the United States, reaching a new daily high of nearly 228,000 cases on Friday.

The 227,885 cases eclipses the previous high of more than 217,000 on Thursday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The seven-day rolling average of COVID-19 attributable deaths in the U.S. has passed 2,000 for the first time since the spring. It reached 2,011 on Friday. Two weeks ago, the seven-day average was 1,448. There were 2,607 deaths reported in the U.S. on Friday.

In Washington, optimism is finally building for a COVID-19 aid bill that would offer relief for businesses, the unemployed, schools and health care providers.

A coronavirus surge hitting much of the U.S. is threatening to overwhelm hospitals in California. Five San Francisco Bay Area counties have imposed a new stay-at-home order for their residents that will take effect Sunday. Much of the rest of the state could join this weekend.


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