Sunday, December 13, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 277

US Tests: 185,868,737*
US Cases: 15,956,435*
US Deaths: 289,535*
Worldwide Cases: 71,854,345*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,607,732*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Sorry for the late update.  Last night, my son came over, and we were playing video games on the Wii.  Yes, THAT Wii, the one which came out in 2006.

The last thing we did was calculate our Wii Sports 'age'.  I won't tell you our real ages, but the 3 people who read this blog regularly know that my son is in his second year of college.

Hiw Wii Sports age was 54.  Mine was 28.  So you'll excuse me if I'm a bit preoccupied and not focused on the #TrumpVirus right now.

But I do actually have some news.  I've just started following another site which has data about the spread of the virus, but this is tracked out the country level, making the old COVID Exit Strategy site obsolete.  You should give it a look.

In fact, based on the data I'm seeing today, not only does it appear that we are CURRENTLY moving in the right direction (and I want to stress CURRENTLY --- we are backing down from all-time highs in daily infections, deaths and hospital beds in use, and we're still at dangerously high levels in most counties), but it's starting to look like there may not be a Thanksgiving spike after all.

Which, if true, gives me hope that we might not see a spike after Christmas/New Year's, either.  We can hope.

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