Wednesday, December 9, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 274

US Tests: 180,976,218*
US Cases: 15,142,845*
US Deaths: 280,454*
Worldwide Cases: 68,812,210*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,567,706*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

The really annoying part is, it's unethical to give them what they really want.  Another group of #TrumpDeathCult maskholes are causing trouble, this time in Idaho:
According to the Idaho Statesmen, Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and Boise Police Chief Ryan Lee asked the CDH board to quickly adjourn a meeting where a vote on a public health order aimed at combatting the spread of coronavirus was scheduled to take place due to safety concerns amid demonstrations against the pack of measures.

Hundreds of demonstrators protested the order, which among other restrictions, would have limited gathering to fewer than 10 people and required face masks be worn in public and private around non-household members when social distancing is not possible.

The news comes as more than 111,800 coronavirus cases and at least 1,055 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in the state as infections continue to multiply.

According to the Statesmen, Lachiondo, in tears, told the board members upon her sudden departure that her son was home alone as demonstrators banged outside of her door. 

Another board member said protesters had swarmed outside of his house as well. Dr. Ted Epperly, told the Statesman that roughly 15 people were gathered outside of his home, “beating garbage cans and flashing strobe lights through my windows. Two came up and knocked on my door during the meeting.”

Off the top of my head, it seems that one way to deal with idiots like this is to go ahead and pass a mask ordinance, but allow people to be exempt from it provided they sign a waiver stating that they will refuse medical care in the event they contract the #TrumpVirus.  Speaking only for myself, I'm perfectly content to let these miserable people die miserably in their homes if they get sick.

But I'm pretty sure the Hippocratic Oath requires medical professionals to serve these idiots, even if they sign such a waiver.  Also, allowing them to opt-out of masking is a greater danger to others than it is to the maskholes.

I'm not sure there is a good solution.  But there is no doubt that Donald Trump is the virus' best friend. 

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