Thursday, November 26, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 261

US Tests: 161,682,011*
US Cases: 12,706,167*
US Deaths: 254,530*
Worldwide Cases: 60,856,294*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,429,689*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

They'd better pray.  In the first Supreme Court decision since Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed, the court struck down a public safety ordinance in the state of New York limiting the number of people who can attend a church, mosque or synagogue:
In all, the late-night ruling consisted of six different opinions.

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote his own concurrence -- joined by no other justice -- to explain his vote.

He said that other businesses such as bicycle repair shops, did not have similar restrictions.

"So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine" or "shop for a new bike," Gorsuch wrote.

I'm not sure exactly what Neil Gorsuch does when he picks up a bottle of wine or shops for a new bike, but at least in my experience, it DOESN'T involve spending an hour or more indoors with a large group of people, and breaking into song on occasion.

I'm not a religious person, but I honestly don't know why any place of worship would WANT to continue holding in-person services during a pandemic, anyway.

Future generations will look back on this time as the time of the great stupid.

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