Sunday, November 15, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 250

US Tests: 146,367,058*
US Cases: 10,891,210*
US Deaths: 237,536*
Worldwide Cases: 54,320,021*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,316,133*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Trump only cares about himself, part 237,536.  Add this to the pile of evidence that anyone who thinks that Trump loves the flag, or America, or is 'working for us' is either lying, stupid, or delusional:
Although Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board has contacted states and the medical community prior to the President-elect’s inauguration in January, the transition team cannot access data from the Trump administration regarding COVID-19, vaccine distribution plans as well as intelligence briefings until it gets the green light from General Services Administration chief Emily Murphy — a Trump appointee who has sole authority over whether Biden’s transition can officially move forward.

Murphy has yet to sign a letter of “ascertainment,” which would allow Biden’s transition team to contact federal agencies or access the millions of dollars set aside for it.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, stressed the importance of a smooth transition process in light of surging COVID-19 cases nationwide, during an interview on CNN Sunday. After citing his experience in serving six presidents for 36 years, Fauci described how a smooth transition is like “passing a baton in a race.”

Pressed on whether it’d a good idea for public health experts to be able to work with Biden’s transition team right now in terms of what is best for the public’s health, Fauci replied “of course.”

Along with former Obama administration DHS secretary Jeh Johnson and Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton rebuking the Trump administration’s refusal to assist President-elect Joe Biden’s formal transition process, Republican Govs. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) and Mike DeWine (R-OH) on Sunday also suggested that Trump reverse course by aiding the incoming Biden administration’s smooth transition.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people that he doesn't exist.  The next greatest trick was to convince people that he wanted to make America great.

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