Saturday, November 14, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 249

US Tests: 145,197,630*
US Cases: 10,752,101*
US Deaths: 236,953*
Worldwide Cases: 53,788,566*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,308,725*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

No matter how scared you are about the current surge in #TrumpVirus cases, you probably aren't scared enough.  So instead of reading this post, you should go read Kevin Drum's instead.  A taste:
Between October 1 and October 23, the case rate went up by about half. Add three weeks to that, and between October 23 and November 14 the death rate went up by . . . about half. So, since the case rate has risen about 2.3x in the past three weeks up through today, we can probably expect the death rate to increase about 2.3x between now and the end of November. That’s very close to 3,000 deaths per day.

It might be less than that, since the case fatality rate has been slowly declining. On the other hand, it might be more than that since the current unsmoothed case rate is about 180,000 per day. If that’s a more accurate measure, we could end up well over 3,000 deaths per day.

Seriously, go read it.  It has charts and everything. 

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