Monday, November 2, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 237

US Tests: 131,212,831*
US Cases: 9,235,299*
US Deaths: 223,186*
Worldwide Cases: 46,857,505*
Worldwide Deaths: 1,204,274*

* - Numbers are a lower bound.  True numbers are being suppressed by the Trump administration

Not surprisingly, all the news tonight is about the election.  So this will be a short update.

And there will be a similarly short update tomorrow, because searching for good stories about the #TrumpVirus requires reading the news, and I'm going to attempt to maintain a news blackout until at least Wednesday night.

(And yes, I know I didn't bother to even update the numbers on Sunday.  What can I say?  On rare occasions, I get busy).

However, if you still demand updates on how horrifying the #TrumpVirus is, you can always get your fill of gloom and doom at

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