Saturday, April 25, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 46

US Tests: 5,184,635
US Cases: 931,698
US Deaths: 47,980
Worldwide Cases: 2,892,508
Worldwide Deaths: 202,455

Today marked a few unfortunate milestones of the pandemic.  Today we crossed the 5 million threshold for tests in the U.S.  That's a lot, but it's still less than 2% of the U.S. population --- and not even 20% of the tests Trump promised would be done by the end of March.

The worldwide death total also crossed the 200,000 mark.

That's really all I've got for today.  My kids are here this weekend, so I'm going to spend time with them and try to forget about the disaster that is reality for a while.

Okay, I lied.  I was just checking the headlines and noticed this.  FEMA is still stealing medical supplies from various hospitals, and apparently even the VA isn't immune:
Health care workers at VA hospitals have for weeks warned of severely inadequate stocks of personal protective equipment. And in an interview with The Washington Post, the VA’s Executive in Charge Richard Stone pointed the finger at FEMA.
The agency, Stone told the Post, had directed vendors with VA orders to instead send equipment to FEMA for the federal stockpile of such supplies.
“I had 5 million masks incoming that disappeared,” Stone told the Post. Some VA hospitals, Stone acknowledged, are now on “austerity levels.”
I suppose any veterans who die as a result can take solace in the knowledge that Trump used them as an excuse to criticize NFL players peacefully protesting police brutality.

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