Wednesday, April 22, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 43

US Tests: 4,466,559
US Cases: 826,936
US Deaths: 42,103
Worldwide Cases: 2,627,630
Worldwide Deaths: 183,336

The US continues to suffer 2,000+ deaths daily.  We're not seeing exponential growth any more (which is good), but we're not seeing the pandemic start to subside, either.  And yet, there are still politicians in the country saying stuff like this:

I'm dealing with survivor guilt.  Today the health provider I work for announced that it was furloughing employees, and terminating the contracts of a number of contractors.  Fortunately for me, I was not among the contractors released.  I don't know exactly how severe the cutbacks were, although anecdotally I heard that some departments lost 50% of their staff or more.

'Reopening the economy' won't change anything, because it will just lead to more infections and more death, and most people will still prefer to stay home rather than risk death.  Which means you can 'reopen' things all you want, but it still won't reverse out economic slide.

Short of a vaccine (which ain't coming any time soon), the way we truly get back to normal is by testing everyone.  Which means we need millions more tests than the relatively puny 4.5 million we've administered in the past 2 months.

Which won't happen without real leadership at the national level.

Which means it won't happen.

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