Friday, April 3, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 24

US Tests: 1,407,271
US Cases: 271,915
US Deaths: 6,962
Worldwide Cases: 1,094,068
Worldwide Deaths: 58,773

I'm going to take a break from documenting Trump's incompetence and malfeasance.  It's Friday, after all.  Sadly, it will still be with us tomorrow (and Sunday, and Monday, and every day that ends in 'y').

On a personal note --- I'm going to be playing Cards Against Humanity with friends tonight!  But don't worry --- we're all still practicing social distancing.  Apparently, you can play the game with friends online, for free, here.

We'll see how it goes.

I also ponied up for a subscription to Zoom, so that we can 'interact' with one another (have a conversation, really) during the game.  Otherwise, I think it would be dead dull.

Have a good night, everyone.  Stay safe.

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