Monday, April 20, 2020

COVID19 Update - Day 41

US Tests: 4,003,551
US Cases: 772,524
US Deaths: 37,321
Worldwide Cases: 2,473,209
Worldwide Deaths: 170,042

I'm only going to post one article tonight, because it's probably the most important aspect of the current disaster.  I've discussed it before, and I'm discussing it again --- because it's the story of our own government willfully blocking medical assistance to those in need (emphasis mine):
[T]he Feds are bidding against states who are trying to buy their own supplies, and refusing to interfere in those auctions between states, which have driven prices up by ten times or more. But while you might think that was as bad as federal management of this crisis could be, it is not. This new outrage is deeper: Even those states that are trying to manage their own resources, buying equipment themselves with incredibly scarce resources to aid in a time of crisis, are being stopped, and those resources seized on the way to delivery.
You could call this piracy. You could call it sanctions. The federal government is choking supply chains to states like it chokes supply chains to Iran and North Korea. These blockades aren’t as complete as those surrounding sanctioned regimes, of course, and some amount of the disruption may be honest confusion in a time of crisis. But the disruption is being brought about by federal interference, and unlike the kind of disruptions you’d want to engineer against antagonistic states, the purpose seems completely unclear — indeed the policy is inexplicable and indefensible.
That's it.  I'm not writing anything else tonight, because everyone should be focused on this.  Certainly the media, as well as Congress.

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